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Available Tools

Listed below are the tools made available through the PLEX client.

ToolCategoryDescriptionExample Command
EquibindSmall Molecule BindingDocking of small molecules to a protein./plex -tool equibind -input-dir testdata/binding/abl
DiffdockSmall Molecule BindingDocking of small molecules to a protein./plex -tool diffdock -input-dir testdata/binding/abl
RF DiffusionProtein DesignDesign protein binders; generally useful for conditional generation of protein backbones./plex -tool rfdiffusion -input-dir testdata/design
ColabfoldProtein FoldingProtein folding prediction./plex -tool colabfold-mini -input-dir testdata/folding
ODDTSmall Molecule BindingScoring of protein-ligand complexes./plex -tool oddt -input-dir testdata/scoring/abl
bam2fastqSort BAM by qname and Extract Fasta reads R1 R2 with RG using samtools

If there are any additional tools you would like made available in the PLEX client, please see how to contribute a tool.